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Edukacyjny Interferometr Wielofunkcyjny - typ: U10350

Edukacyjny Interferometr Wielofunkcyjny U10350

Opis Produktu:
This  complete equipment set comprises high-grade optical components mounted  on a heavy, rigid base plate for precise and reproducible measurements.  The large optical components permit a generation of clear and  well-defined interference patterns in daylight. The reflective  observation screen has an adjustable inclination. Pre-defined component  positions allow quick rearrangement to ensure extremely rapid  preparation for the various experiments.

  • Stable plastic box for storing the mounted and adjusted interferometer
  • Beam splitter: diameter 40 mm, evenness λ/10 (front side), λ/4 (rear side)
  • Surface-coated  mirror: 40x40 mm², evenness <λ/2, eccentric reduction
    approx. 1:1000  (individual calibration specified on eccentric base)
  • Base plate: weight 5.5 kg, dimensions: 245x330x25 mm³

*U10351 accessory set required

Zagadnienia Edukacyjne:
  •    Michelson interferometer
  •   Fabry-Perot interferometer
  •   Determination of the refractive index of glass*
  •   Determination of the refractive index of air*
  •   Twyman-Green test for optical components (qualitative)*

Stanowiska Laboratoryjne, Zestawy Edukacyjne - Optyka

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